The definitions, terminology and expressions as given below usually will be applied for HSE.
“Accident” means undesired event giving rise to death, ill health, injury, damage or other loss.
“Audit” means systematic examination to determine whether activities and related results conform to planned procedures and whether these procedures are implemented effectively and are suitable for achieving carried the organization?s policy and objectives.
“Environmental and Social Requirements” means Government Laws relating to environmental protection and human rights, the Environmental Documents, the Equator Principles III, lenders specific requirements and the EHS Guidelines.
“EHS Guidelines” means the Environmental, Health, and Safety, General Guidelines and the Environmental, Health, and Safety, Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants published by the international Finance Corporation.
“Objectives” means goals, in terms of OH&S performance, that an organization sets itself to achieve.
“Occupational Safety and Health (OH&S)” means conditions and factors that affect the well-beings of employees, temporary works, Contractor personnel, visitors and other in the work place.
“HSE” means Health, Safety and Environment collectively describes the requirements and implication of health, safety, and environmental aspects during execution of the project.
“HSE Management” means part of the overall management system that facilitates the management of the Health, Safety and Environmental risks associated with the activities of Contractor, Subcontractors and Vendors.
“Policy” means statement by the organization of its intentions and principal in relation to its overall OH&S performance which provides a framework for action and for the setting of its OH&S Objectives and Targets.
“Hazard” means source of situation with a potential for harm in terms of injury or ill health, damage to property, damage to the work place environment, or a combination of these.
“Hazard Identification” means Process of recognizing that a hazard exists and defining its characteristics.
“Incident” means event that gave rise to an accident or had the potential to lead to an accident.
Note: An incident where no ill health, injury, damage, or other loss occurs is also referred to as a “Near-Miss”. The term “Incident” includes “Near-Misses”.
“Performances” means measurable results of the OH&S Management System related to the Organization?s control of health and safety risk and environmental aspects, based on OH&S policy and objectives.
“Risk” means combination of the likelihood and consequence(s) of a specified hazardous event occurring.
“Risk Assessment” means overall process of estimating the magnitude of risk, and deciding whether not the risk is tolerable.
“Safety” means freedom from unacceptable risk of harm.
“Crisis” A crisis is an incident (either a situation or an event) that has the potential to impact the wider organization in terms of safety of life, continuity of business or damage to reputation; where there is a degree of complexity so that it is unclear what action should be taken; and where extraordinary resources are required to bring the incident under control and manage it to a satisfactory outcome.
“Emergency” An emergency is an event or situation that results in an abnormal state and requires an immediate response in order to contain it.
“First Aid” Any one-time treatment and subsequent observation of minor scratches, cuts and e.g. such treatment and observation are considered First Aid, even though provided by qualified medical personnel.
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