First-aid & Medical Service at construction job site


The guidelines to organize the provision of first aid and medical  services  at  construction  job  site, including  but  not  limited  to  type  of services,  personnel requirements and emergency  situation. Administration  in connection with employees receiving first aid and medical service will be also used for HSE Performance Statistic.

First-aid  Service:  Preliminary  medical  treatments  to  be  provided  by company  for  employees  immediately  upon  an  accident  involving  an injury/illness  by  physician,  nurse,  or person in-charge  have  trained  in first aid treatment. 

Medical  Service:  Medical  treatments  to  be  provided  by  company  for employees  in  case  of  illness  and  or  injury  strikes  in  connection  with employees’  duty  during  performing  the  works, as  follow-up  of  first-aid treatment as the case may be. 

1. Provision of First-aid and Medical Facilities

Provision of first aid and medical facilities shall be decided considering the nature  of  project,  size of  project  and  location  of  construction  job-site. Facilities  can  be  dedicate  mobilized  for  the project  or  in  the  form  of collaboration  with  the  available  public  medical facilities  nearby construction job-site, subject for approval by the SM and be included in the Project HSE Plan. 

Dedicated first-aid and medical facilities shall consider the followings: First-aid clinic booth, complete with furniture, potable water, and required medical  tools,  Stretcher,  First-aid consumables, Vehicle suitable for ambulance.

First-aid Clinic shall be staffed by competent personnel (first-aid nurse).

Emergency rescue using helicopter shall be considered upon approval of the Project Manager where the construction job-site is a remote work place. 

Where a dedicated first-aid clinic is provided, it shall serve all workers of the project irrespective their neither employment status nor conditions. 

2. First-aid Response Procedure
  1. Response Steps, In case of accident involving an injury, first-aid shall be done following to steps: Rescue the victim to first-aid clinic booth, use stretcher if required, First-aid treatment by competent personnel in-charge, In case of major injury, directly transport the victim to hospital. Safety officer shall be  aware of the urgency to save the victim from any possibility of worsening injury due to slow action. Quick and prudent action is therefore mandatory.
  2. Rescue from Critical Work Place, Rescue from critical work places shall be done by only trained personnel and strictly in accordance with the procedure. 
  3. Transportation of Injured Person, Injured  person  shall  be  immediately  transported to  appropriate  place  for first-aid actions.
  4. First aid Treatment, Depending the nature and condition of injury, first-aid treatments shall be given to the victim (s) following to below procedure as applicable: Light treatments: Band-Aid, disinfection's, eye-washing, etc, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), Burn and Fracture, Minor stitching treatment.   After  first-aid treatment,  the  nurse  and  or  safety-man  shall  monitor  the victim(s) regularly as the case requires depending on the type and severity of injury. 
3. First-aid Training / Drill
      Project shall organize is first-aid training / drill during site construction period at jobsite. Participants shall be selected to adequately provide coverage to all of workers, consisting of: Safety-man,  Field Supervisors , Field Foremen, Office Supervisors, Others as Necessary. 

Instructor of the training/drill shall be of a certified first-aid nurse or medical doctor (hyperkes certificated)

4. Reporting

  1. First-aid and Medical Services Report, All  accident/incident  involving  an  injury  shall  be  listed  in  this  daily  book report. The following information but not limited to shall be recorded: Date of occurrence,  Employee name, Company name, Nature of Injury/Illness (Category of illness/injury and Part of Body),  Treatment. First-aid  weekly  report  and  monthly  report  shall  be  made  in  tabulation format for easy and quick look purpose. The  first-aid  and  medical  services  report  shall  be  summarized  and incorporated into monthly HSE Performance Statistic. The report shall be made  to  read  historically  since  start  of  construction  activity,  showing number of cases each month and cumulative at the reporting month.
  2.  Clinic Report , The form sheet to clinic report (see attachment-8.1 b) shall be filled out by Nurse/Physician as result of their diagnosis. The purpose of clinic reports result to acknowledged the type of diagnosis and shall be incorporated to monthly HSE Performance Statistic. Contents of diagnosis:  First-aid only, Return to Work,  Require Medical Treatment,  Transfer to Light Job, Terminate, Expected Days Lost,  Expected Restricted Days.
  3. Medical Report, To fill out the medical report is authorization for physician’s services. The medical report is as recommendation of physician on injury/illness of victim.    The recommendation of the medical report: What Employee can return to regular work, what  Employee can return to light duty work, what Employee should be terminated, what  Employee should be: Lost Work Day or Restricted Work Days. Etc.
